Money Management

April 3, 2024
Important Financial Considerations Before You Make Any Major Life Decision
There are some inevitable big decisions that we all make in our lives that will have a major impact over the course…

Credit 101
Credit is money provided as a loan by a financial institution, such as a bank or credit union. It’s a vital tool…

A Plan for Spending, Saving and Investing Money to Reach Our Financial Goals
This simple formula will help you save, spend within boundaries and be generous as well. Important points to bear in mind when…

October 9, 2023
Financial Literacy, Key to Economic Growth and Development
Rose Miller, manager, Strategic Empowerment Programmes at the JN Foundation is underscoring the value of financial literacy and encouraging Jamaicans to take…

April 13, 2021
Saving and Investing: A Path to Financial Security
Chavelle Campbell, Youth Empowerment Officer, with Ministry of Education, Youth and Information Chavelle Campbell knows too well the importance of saving and…