February 12th webinar from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. Register to Start

A Plan for Spending, Saving and Investing Money to Reach Our Financial Goals 

woman in black and white striped shirt carrying baby in blue onesie
  • Having a budget is the first step towards achieving financial independence 
  • A budget can be prepared for an individual, a family, a business or a country and for any period, daily, weekly, monthly or annually 
  • Budgeting does not have to be complicated. Start with the 10-10-80 formula: 
    • Save 10 percent of your income.
    • Give away 10 percent of your income.
    • Allocate the remaining 80 percent of your income to all of your spending categories.

This simple formula will help you save, spend within boundaries and be generous as well. 

Important points to bear in mind when creating a budget 

  • Income– Include income from every source – salary, dividends, remittances, secondary jobs 
  • Expenses– In order of priority, ensure that every expenditure is included 
  • Financial goals– Determine short, medium and long term goals and assign a priority to each 
  • Know the difference between the things you want and those you need 
  • Identify and eliminate unnecessary expenditures 
  • Ensure that the budget is realistic and flexible 
  • Saving must be included in your budget 
  • Budget monthly for periodic expenses, such as school fees, property tax, and vacation 

Advice for maintaining a budget 

  • Be disciplined 
  • Always seek ways to reduce expenditure 
  • Explore additional streams of income 

How to execute your budget 

The method used to execute your budgeting plan should be one with which you are comfortable. Below are some options: 

  • Use online budget applications such as Home Budget, YNAB, Good Budget and . Mint 
  • Place the amount budgeted for each category in envelopes, appropriately labelled 
  • Use a spreadsheet 

Benefits of budgeting 

  • Helps you prioritise and plan for the future 
  • Charts a course towards financial goals and dreams 
  • Helps you live within your means 
  • Gives you peace of mind and restful nights 
  • Shows where your money goes and reveals overspending 
  • Promotes financial success for your family 
  • Helps you to develop self-control 
  • Helps your family grow harmoniously as together you set common goals 

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went  – John Maxwell