February 12th webinar from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. Register to Start


What is the JN Financial Academy?

The JN Financial Academy (JNFA) is an institution established by the JN Group to empower JN members to achieve financial freedom by providing information, training, and mentoring to make better financial decisions.

The JNFA provides financial literacy and coaching support and aims to influence public narratives about financial inclusion, savings and borrowing trends, and consumer education, by undertaking research and engaging in public dialogue. The JNFA is spearheaded by the JN Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the JN Group. 

What does the Financial Academy offer?

JNFA will offer workshops, seminars, presentations and courses aimed at increasing the level of awareness and financial literacy of JN members. The content to be delivered will focus on:

  • Responsible use of credit
  • Budgeting and saving
  • Planning for retirement
  • Entrepreneurship training
  • Tools to financial independence
  • Estate planning 

Who can attend the JN Financial Academy?  

JNFA is a flagship member benefit and was established by the JN Group as a solid demonstration of its People First commitment. It is open to members of all ages. 

How can I participate in the JN Financial Academy?

Online courses:

  • Members will be invited to participate in specific courses
  • Members can be referred to the JNFA by any member company of the JN Group
  • JNFA will alert members when a new course is being offered and invite enrolment
  • Members can log on to see when courses are being offered and register to attend

Schools, companies, churches, community groups, and other organisations are welcome to share an invitation to the JNFA for sessions, presentations, seminars, etc.

Email event details to financialacademy@jngroup.com

Will I get a certificate by enrolling in the JN Financial Academy?

Yes, a certificate will be awarded upon completion of specific courses and sessions/events, once the qualifying criteria have been met. 

What is the duration of courses at the JN Financial Academy?

Courses are delivered virtually, face-to-face or hybrid (virtual and in-person).


  • These courses are completed online and should be completed at a self-paced rate by participants.
  • These may be for a single/one-off session, over a series of days or weeks (up to 6 weeks), or months (up to 3 months).


  • Sessions may range from less than 1 hour to up to 8 hours in one day or for a few hours over a few days (up to one week).


  • Sessions are offered both virtually and in-person; participants may be required to attend part of the session in person with a virtual component or some participants will be able to join in person while others join online.

Is there a cost to register for any of the courses in the JN Financial Academy? 

As a JN member, all courses are delivered at no cost to you.  

Can I invite my friends/family members to register for courses?

Once your friends/family members conduct business with any member of the JN Group they can access training from the JNFA.

What other services does the JN Financial Academy offer?

  • Financial coaching *
  • Mentorship
  • Financial literacy information to influence the public narrative, increase awareness and promote general financial education

How can I access materials and resources from the JN Financial Academy?

  • General information including blogs, articles and templates will be available on the website along with an introduction to each available course.
  • Each course will require a personal account setup allowing access to the materials and resources for that course.
  • All registrants for specific courses will have access to the materials and resources for up to 12 months after registration.  

What should I do if I am invited to join a course but unable to participate now?

The registration form will provide the appropriate option to postpone commencement of the course.

Once I receive a certification in a course, can I add it to my resume? 

You certainly can add this to your resume to demonstrate that you have acquired knowledge in a particular area.

Does the JN Financial Academy have facilitators who are certified in the courses being offered? 

All JNFA facilitators are subject matter experts with a wealth of knowledge in the financial industry.

For more information, please review the individual profiles of each instructor on the Financial Academy website at Facilitators

*Conditions apply